
Richy Monday ecosystem and how resources and currencies move in the game.

Roy is the in-game currency coin that can be earned by selling farmed resources in the game. The supply is regulated by the burning mechanism of the game.

How exchange rate of farmed resources to Roy coin is calculated:

double price = pool->supply2 * 1.0 / (supply1 * 1.0 + (amount.amount * 2.0));

ROY pool

With the increase in farming over time. The ROY pool will decrease the REN farming per day. Preventing inflation

REN is the main token of Richy Monday. REN token will be listed on alcor and this can be earned by exchanging Roy Coins.

Exchange rate of Roy coins into Ren token changes every second depending on the available amount of token in the pool.

sum of roy pool = pool-> supply2 /ren pool

The token pool gets refilled every time players spend REN tokens by purchasing crates, limited items on sale and NFTs on local merchant. Every 90% of exchange resources/coin and token will return to the pool white the remaining 10% will permanently burn. This is to maintain the deflationary process of the game economy.

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